API Documentation¶
The dataARC project has implemented a publicly available REST API to aid researchers in gathering, exploring, and modifying the dataARC information.
Each endpoint is described in detail here. On this page, you’ll find a list of expandable sections that provide endpoint documentation for various classes of dataARC information. Each endpoint thoroughly documents the parameters, schema, and possible return values.
Click on “Try it out” under the endpoint heading, then scroll down to click “Execute”. An example JSON response will be populated below.
The standard GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE verbs are available for endpoints under most of the classes, which include:
- Category – contextual, environmental, and archaeological groupings of datasets
- Combinators – the relationship defined by data specialists that link dataset features with concepts
- Concept – the high-level CIDOC CRM concepts that define the dataARC shared ontology centered around “changing landscape”. May be related to many combinators, and may have many concept topics.
- Dataset – a dataset with defined attributes. The dataset will belong to one category, but may have many combinators, dataset fields, and features
- Event – automatic events logged by the API, such as create, update, delete, etc.
- Features – relates to individual data points. Belongs to one dataset, but may have many combinators.
- Search – saved searches using the dataARC search tool
- Unclassified – the main endpoints used by the frontend dataARC tool to query the API.
- Combinator-query – specific queries that are related to a combinator. For example, could return all records where percent avian is greater than 25.
- Concept-map – the defined mapped relationships between all the concepts
- Concept-topic – topics related to a given concept in the concept map
- Dataset-field – definitions of field types and display text. Belongs to one dataset.
- Spatial-coverage – predefined spatial areas
- Temporal-coverage – predefined time periods for the timeline.
In addition, there is a GraphQL playground available to test out your API use cases. Feel free to use the interactive web-based interface to practice and hone your perfect API calls, or to explore and manage data.